Wednesday, July 29, 2020

A subject you enjoyed studying this semester

My favorite subject this semester is pharmacognosy. The classes are online due to the pandemic but even so they are still interesting, I feel that in the classes the teachers transmit enthusiasm in the different contents of the subject.  We have learned in the classes the natural resources that are important to pharmaceutical products for example the herb called Sen that is a laxative. Also we have learned laboratory techniques through videos because the laboratories cannot be performed. I like this subject because it is about medicines of natural origin. I find that is interesting how the human since his origin finds in the nature a great wellness.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

A Band / Singer I like

I like many singers or bands of different types of music, for example, I like Guns N’ Roses and One direction, two bands with very different type of music, but if I have to speak about a band is Bon Jovi.
I  do not remember much information about them but I know that Bon Jovi is a band of rock formed in New Jersey by their vocalist Jon Bon Jovi.
I like this band because their music is part of my life since I was a little girl because this is my mom's favorite band.
My favorite song is It's my life because It talks about enjoying life and I also like the lyrics of this song that says "It is now or never, I will not live forever".

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A photograph I like

I like a lot of photographs, but if I have to choose a photo it would be of the moon. I took this one of the moon photo four years ago, and I like it because the moon is associated to the energies of light, love and goodness in meditation. For this reason many people believe that the moon is related to with the spiritual energies.
The moon has different phases and meanings, and these are new moon, crescent phase, full moon and waning quarter.  Many people fill or recharge  necklaces or stones that can keep our energy with the moon light.                     

The meditation is a good activity to reconnect with your roots, for example, the new moon is associated to the earth, firmness and mental clarity, also the moon is our  natural satellite.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

My best friend

I think that the friendship is a cute relationship with values. I have few friends but the best. I am feeling that all my friends are very good people with many values. One of my best friends is Fernando, I met him in the school when I changed of course, we have been friends for six years. However before metting, our moms already knew each because they were coworkers. Initially we were just classmates but after a long time we were friends and we got confidence.
He is studying medicine in other university but although we are studying in different cities, we are always communicating by WhatsApp or Instagram and we talk without problem more than an hour on the phone. I consider that his friendship is important for me because he is a person that supportest me especially when we finished the school. I have many memories with him in the school and when we went to the cinema. I consider that our friendship has many good moments.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

My Favorite Piece of Technology

My favorite piece of technology in this moment is the computer. When I finished school my parents gave me a computer, because They thought that I would need it for the university. I just use it to work in my assignments because I prefer to study from books or notebooks. Currently, I am using my computer a lot due to the online classes, and also to video call my friends. I like my computer because it has many uses for example save information and documents, clearly  the life without it would be more complicated, especially in the current situation due to the pandemic.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Why did you choose your career / study programm?

When I was a child, I dreamed to being a dentist so I could help  children, but over the years I was not sure what I wanted to study after school. I thought  about studying some career relate to health, for example: Nutrition, odontology or nursing. I was really indecisive about what should I study because I realized that I could not work in something that involved seeing blood directly or administrate injections. But one day after searching on the internet I found an interesting career that I have never listened to before called chemistry and pharmacy.
 Finally I decided to study chemistry and pharmacy. I like this career because it is highly related with science and health.
I have really good experience at the university although sometimes it could be very exhausting.
I have learned many things and I have met incredible people. It is interesting to learn new things about this profession.
In the future I would like to work in a laboratory or have my own small pharmacy.  

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Autobiography

 Hi, my name is Carla Guzmán. This is my first evaluated post of the semester and I have to talk about myself. I am 21 years old. I was born in Talagante and lived in Isla de Maipo for eleven years. Then I moved to Teno in the seventh region with my brother, mother and stepfather. I assisted to Aquelarre school were I met my best friends until today.  I am studying Chemistry and Pharmacy at University of Chile in Santiago. I live with my cousin in Santiago because she is also studying in the University.
My favourite hobby is photography especially in the spring.